Vicroads in reply to correspondence has stated that they have not considered a road tunnel option for Punt Road. this in spite the fact that John Brumby had previously considered a number of various grade separations options for the Punt Road.Hoddle Street Corridor.
It is estimated that the retention of the compulsory acquisition and purchase of property to allow Punt Road to be widened would cost approximately 750 Million Dollars. Estimations for the construction of a road tunnel under Punt Road varies from $150 to $250 Million dollars to build a Road Tunnel.
What is important is the design of the Metro Rail project which crosses Punt Road at Toorak Road. Metro Rail claims that the design woll not impact on a Road Tunnel under Punt Road but have failed to provide any schematic design drawings that confirm the two can co-exist. Vicroads statement that they have not considered a Road Tunnel option raises serious questions as to the planning process. The terms of reference for the advisory committee makes no reference to a Road Tunnel option.
Thanks again for your email, we appreciate the time you have taken to email us.
A number of the questions you have raised have been addressed in the Punt Road Background Report and Punt Road Concept Options Report currently online at:
You will see on the website an independent advisory committee has been appointed to report and recommend on whether to modify or remove the Public Acquisition Overlay affecting Punt Road within the City of Stonnington. It is recommended that interested parties like yourself make a submission on the Background and Options reports, as part of this process. Submissions can be made online and close at 5pm on Tuesday 24 November 2015.
In terms of your most recent question no studies have been undertaken into road tunnels, in the area you have requested. Therefore costs, constructability (e.g. cut and cover or boring), interchange locations (entry and exits) and tunnel infrastructure locations (e.g. ventilation stacks, control rooms) are unknown.
Thanks again for your query.
Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on the phone number below.
Kind Regards
Mark Rowland
A/Manager – Tram & Bus Projects
Metropolitan Projects (Central)
1 Spring St
Melbourne VIC 3000